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About Me

I distinctly remember the moment I realized that I wanted to be an educator. I was standing in my third grade classroom and my teacher had just told me that public schools are partially funded by local property taxes. Although I couldn’t quite grasp all of the ramifications of that concept, my third grade brain was overwhelmed by the lack of equity inherent in that system. My indignation lay dormant for nearly twenty years, but it resurfaced while I was sitting on the subway in New York City. At that time, I was wrestling with a feeling of wanting to create change in the world but not knowing exactly where to start. An advertisement on the wall jumped out at me, and I flashed back to my third grade classroom. That afternoon I applied to be a New York Teaching Fellow. Now, eleven years later, I have taught students all over the country and all over the world, and my dedication to educational justice has not wavered.

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